[Emanuel Derman is one of the biggest name in the contemporary world of quantitative analysis.Details can be found at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emanuel_Derman . ]
Amidst the unending saga of load and mugging the night before exam, a mail from Emanuel Derman pops up in my inbox.Though a general mail sent to all the selected students of the MFE program (Columbia University NY), the very name of 'Derman' undersigned with the mail brings a nice respite before the inevitable infliction due to happen couple of hours from now.
As for the news today,I will comment on my subsequent posts.Following are today's top stories in brief.
1.As expected Indo-Pakistan Secretary level talks ends without a joint statement.
2.Environment minister cries about his thankless job!!
3.Economic Survey 2010 conducted by the Finance Ministry advices to roll back economic incentives.
4.MF Husain finds peace finally being a Qatar national.
5.World wide clamor after Israel puts into effect an ultra secret high profile execution in Dubai.
This post is written just couple of hours before the M&A exam!!